erwachsene mit unterschiedlichen ethnizitäten am tisch versammelt, die sich weiterbilden
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Team Asylum Weinheim


The Team Asylum Weinheim (AK Asyl) consists of a group of citizens of Weinheim who have been attending and supporting refugees in Weinheim since 1985/86. One of the team’s main principles is to establish relations between locals und newcomers. These personal contacts can ideally turn out to be long lasting.

The honorary staff members try to get in contact with the refugees and support them from their first arrival in Weinheim, working together with responsible persons of the city council.

The main emphasis of the commitment to the refugees is put on the following activities:

  • Personal and friendly meetings in their accommodation, regular visits if possible
  • Free German lessons for individuals or in small groups
  • Support for dealings with authorities (offering to accompany them, helping them with phone-calls, understanding official letters etc.)
  • Free support for pupils doing their homework in cooperation with the teachers
  • Offering free-time activities and spending time playing with children of all age-groups
  • Organizing free-time activities for male refugees (e.g. playing football in sport clubs)
AK Asyl Weinheim
Roonstraße 11
69469 Weinheim
Fon 06201 / 15967